Resources and Links
Please find below a number of useful resources and links to useful websites.
Growing Young (A document for all Methodist Churches)
This resource document is based on the book Growing Young: 6 Essential Strategies to help young people discover and love your Church produced by the Fuller Youth Institute based on ground-breaking research with over 250 of America’s leading congregations. Although the book is based on research undertaken in the USA, I believe there are a lot of lessons that the Methodist Church can learn and put into practice here in the UK.
Growing Young provides a strategy that any church can use to involve and retain teenagers and young adults. It profiles innovative churches that are engaging 15-29 year olds and as a result are growing spiritually, emotionally, missionally and numerically.
The hope of this resource document is to translate that learning and strategy into learning and strategies that the Methodist Church can use to engage with 15-29 year olds and as a result is grow spiritually, emotionally, missionally and numerically.
Full of practical ideas as well as research, Growing Young shows leaders of the church how to position their churches to engage younger generations in a way that breathes vitality, life and energy into the whole church.
Developing Young Leaders (13 wk Discipleship Program)
This 13 part resource can be used to train and disciple young leaders, equipping them for leadership in all areas of their lives. Young leadership is just as much about discipleship as it is about leadership. As such there are no ‘quick fix’ solutions to developing young leaders. Youth Leadership is not just a training course you do with young people, it is a way of doing youth ministry, and training is just one element, one tool in the toolbox. This resource is a ‘tool’ to be used in conjunction with an overall strategy within your church/organisation to develop young leaders.