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Useful resources and links

Faith in Schools

Faith in Schools works in over 42 schools delivering free, high-quality RE lessons supplemented with volunteers from local churches to present the authentic 21st century Christian experience.

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Premier Youth and Children's Work Magazine

This website is packed with up-to-date information, articles and resources on youth and children’s work. Subscription required to access some content.

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Voice Activated

Participation is about everyone, not just children and young people, it's the next step towards a true understanding of inclusive Church. It’s part of a bigger vision - to see the whole Church participating more; making and moulding the Church, together. The Voice Activated resource is an attempt to share that vision and the learning from over five years of rolling out the YPS.

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The Well

For Children, Youth, Schools and Family Workers for the Methodist Church. Providing information about upcoming events across the regions, some funding options, link to The Well Magazine and links to resources available from the Connexion.

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Jefferson Bethke

This YouTube Channel features loads of spoken word poetry, family vlogs and teaching videos. A highlight is the spoken word poem Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus.

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Saddleback Kids

Videos including ones for early childhood, junior school (what they call elementary), animated bible stories and worship videos.

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Share Jesus International

Easter YouTube Videos for young people and young adults.

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Friends and Heroes

Children's animated bible series.

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Rend Collective: The Socially Distance Worship Club

Social distance is good for our health and the health of others. We believe in it and support it. But it’s not really good for our souls. We've never done anything quite like this before, but it was good for our hearts. We had house church as a band and streamed it live so you could join us in real time. We plan to do this regularly over the coming days and weeks until this blows over so keep a wee eye out!

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Ethos by Youth for Christ

Ethos is a ground-breaking series of films for young adults.... And it’s free!! Produced by Youth for Christ between 2013- 2017. Ethos covers a wide range of relevant topics for young adults. Here you'll find animations, spoken word pieces, music tracks and bible studies all aimed at helping reach and disciple young adults in your church.

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Jon Jorgeson's Anima Series

Features playlists which include: spoken word, live speaking, can a Christian…..?, 7 minute sermons, a day in the word, coffee time and out of context. I have found these short videos encouraging and challenging in both my life and ministry.

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Nooma Series by Rob Bell

'Wherever he went, whatever he did, Jesus started discussions about what matters most, because for Jesus, God is always inviting us to open our eyes and join in. NOOMA is an invitation to search, question, and join the discussion.

Access the full series here.

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