Synod Secretary - Prayers from the District
Sunday 13 September 2020
Lord, as we begin the new Connexional year we face a challenging and different world compared to previous years.
We have so much sadness and worry to face as we find our way. Colleagues and friends we can’t say goodbye to as they move on, new colleagues and friends we can’t welcome physically into our churches and circuits as we would wish. Ordinations delayed.
Churches struggling with the practicalities of opening their buildings in a safe way. Church and District leadership teams discerning best ways of supporting and encouraging with limited resources. Congregations wanting to be back together but apprehensive at the same time. It all feels bewildering and a bit scary.
But Lord you are with us - you understand. May we trust in your love for us and allow your spirit to help us break through the barrier of worry and anxiety to be your people in a new and positive way.
May we build on the new skills that lockdown forced upon us - new ways to reach out pastorally, new ways to bring worship to your people, with your Holy and strengthening Spirit enabling us to face the future with confidence, purpose and positivity.
Where we face a barrier, may we find a solution. Where we find despair, may we bring your hope. When we feel alone, may we know your presence.
Denise Tomlinson - London District Synod Secretary