I want to encourage you to take up the offer of safeguarding training when it’s arranged in your circuit. Members of the Learning Network and Connexional Safeguarding Team have worked hard over the last year to bring you on-line versions of our Foundation and Advanced level courses and the comments from those who took part in pilots, show that they have given the thumbs up. There have been a few tweaks as a result of the feedback but all is now in place and you can be raring to go.
The offer may be all on line or a blend of face to face and on-line sessions so as we learn about changes to social distancing arrangements this week, your circuits, and the district in the case of the Advanced course, can plan to deliver what suits best. Many of you reading this will be required to update your training due to the roles you have as ministers, local preachers, lay workers, church officers, children’s workers and pastoral visitors, and you’ll find both some familiarity in recaps but also learn new things as well.
A skilled and confident workforce, if you will excuse the generic description of anyone who plays a role in your church or holds an office, is the bedrock of our protection strategy. Simply put, recognising a concern and knowing what to do next is key. Without this knowledge things can get missed, not get reported and someone may be harmed.
Short and sweet this week, as we start to plan our autumn events. Late July and August can be a quiet time whether we can get away on our dream holiday or not, so if you are a church or circuit safeguarding officer, now is the time to check who needs to be trained, engage your trainers and chaplain and make sure you have accessed the materials. If you are one of those who will be trained, look out for your local publicity and book on the course.
And no mention of the football = did you notice?