Gracious God,
We give thanks for London, for its people
and for this District – made up of circuits, churches
and disciples of Jesus Christ.
Help us as we share each other’s stories of faith
to be courageous in telling those stories to people
beyond the life of the Church.
Help us to love our neighbours, so that
by our actions people will recognise your love within us
and be intrigued by the Gospel story at the heart of all we do.
We pray for the challenging places in our city,
for places of crime and fear,
for those who work too hard and those who have no work
and for those who are lonely and isolated in the midst of our crowded streets.
May your blessings abound
as we celebrate being your children in this diverse and exciting city,
that others may hear our stories and the world be transformed.
For Christ’s sake. Amen.