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New River Circuit

Writer's picture: London District OfficeLondon District Office

God of all creation we thank you for the colours and strands of your beauty and grace and proclaim that all heaven and earth declares the glory of the Risen Lord.

We see You in the joys and celebrations of life as well as in the pain and hurt that surround us. As a weaver you take the strands of our lives and weave them into the lives of those we love and so we pray for them

You take these new colours and thicker threads and intertwine them with those in the communities where we live and worship and we pray for them

All people of every race, culture and language bring their lives and experiences and You skilfully create a wonderful tapestry of life in all its fullness

And we stop and gaze on your incredible creativity at work in all the world – and we worship You.


1. The grace to hold the circuit together during our conversations around the Marriage & Relationships report

2. To continue seeing signs of growth in prayer and bible study across the circuit

3. For a growing commitment to evangelism and making new disciples

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