A reflection on peace
Churches Together in South London: Reflection on Peace
Deputy District Chair, Revd Faith Nyota, joined church leaders from Churches Together in South London and together they released the following statement.

Left to right back row: Pastor Alfred Asiedu-Yeboa (Elim Church); Rev Claire Nicholls (London Baptists); Bishop Mike Royal (CTE); Archbishop Angaelos (Coptic Orthodox); Rev Faith Nyota (Methodist London); Bishop Martin Gainsborough (Church of England).
In a meeting during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Church leaders who make up the ecumenical partnership of Churches Together In South London issued the following reflection:
As we pray for Christian unity, we recall the words of Jesus, who said “Blessed are the peacemakers, because they will be called Sons of God.” (Matthew 5:9)
In a world filled with conflict, violence and division, the need for peacemakers has never been greater. This call to become peacemakers is to all of us; in our homes, in our communities and in our world at large. It requires that we empathise with others, listen without judging, and seek common ground. Christians bring a vision of reconciliation rooted in responding as neighbours to this essential ongoing work for peace.
As Church leaders, we commit ourselves to this work, and acknowledge our particular responsibility for bringing about and supporting peace in our world.