Let Justice Flow
Welcome to 'Let Justice Flow' a six-week Bible study based on the ministry of the Old Testament prophet Amos.
This study could be used by groups or individuals at any time of the year; however, it would be particularly appropriate for a Lent study group. The study raises the kind of deep and searching questions of faith that befit a meaningful Lent study. What kind of God would allow such pain and suffering to occur in his world? Can God’s people expect protection from natural or human-made disasters?
The study also addresses issues of social justice, which are present throughout the Book of Amos. These issues are then situated within our current time through the report 'A Justice-seeking Church'. The Methodist Conference of 2023 adopted this report and commended it to the wider Methodist Church (throughout Great Britain) for prayerful study and action. It is a response to our calling as Christians to explore what it means to act justly, love kindness and walk humbly with God which is seen as integral to a Methodist way of life.
It is our aim that this study will challenge comfortable faith, whilst also feeding and nourishing those who seek to better understand their world and their place within God’s creation.

Who is Amos?
Amos lived some 800 years before the birth of Jesus. He lived during an era of great economic wealth and political stability. However, it was also an era of great income inequality. Whilst the rich lived sumptuous lives of affluence and splendour, the majority of the population lived in abject poverty.
It was a society which claimed to be deeply religious, but which failed to uphold decent values of justice. Amos received a calling from God to challenge the social and economic injustices that he saw all around him.