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The Big Questions: Frank Cottrell-Boyce
Frank Cottrell-Boyce is an English screenwriter, novelist and occasional actor, known for his children's fiction and for his collaborations with film director Danny Boyle. He has achieved fame as the writer for the 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony, for sequels to 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: The Magical Car', a children's classic by Ian Fleming, and for feature films such as 'The Railway Man' and '24 Hour Party People'.​

Find below Frank's answers to some of our questions:
Name: Frank Cottrell Boyce
Selfie in words (describe yourself): Children’s writer
What’s your Faith background? Cradle Catholic
Unusual talent? I can sleep anywhere anytime at the drop of a hat.
Three things still on your Bucket list: All the Hebrides, inner and outer.
Any strange phobias? I think I may have Trumpophobia. I have an irrational fear that he will destroy the World.
From across all history which three people would you invite for dinner and why? Seriously if I could have anyone in the world I would invite my own children - but when they were all about ten years old.
What keeps you believing in God? The continued outpouring of His grace I suppose. Also effort. Faith is like creativity - sometimes it feels like there’s nothing there but if you keep turning up to practise it comes back.
Who has inspired you most on your faith journey and why? I have always had a huge buzz from being named after St. Francis. I feel he has grown up with me. When I was small he was a kind of saintly Doctor DoLittle talking to animals. In my teens and twenties he was this radical anti-establshment figure. Then an environmentalist. And now I tend to focus on his emphasis on happiness. All his anti-materialism and faith seem full of joy.
What springs to mind when you think of Methodists? The mighty mighty Wesleys. I’m always trying to figure out a way to tell their amazing story. I’m sure there’s a movie there somewhere.
What's your advice for the church in 2018? I’m with Pope Francis on this one - the shepherd should smell of sheep.