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Lent course companion guide coming soon

This PowerPoint companion guide works designed to be used for online meetings, goes hand in hand with the Woven Lent Course and therefore you should have them both to hand when using the material with children and young people. This downloadable resource is designed to help churches, circuits, parents and children’s and youth groups to engage with Lent and Woven.

Each of the six sessions includes:

  • Begins with the same Lenten prayer, which can be found in the Woven Lent course

  • Then you will find two ice breaker style activities (you can choose the most suitable one to use with your group).

  • Then we have recommended a few options for alternative versions of the bible to read the passage from, these include the message version and the Jesus Storybook Bible.

  • After reading the passage there are some questions to help the children and/or young people to engage with the text, remember where using questions with children and young people, it is not about imparting knowledge or checking they have been paying attention, the questions allowing them to see how the passage can be applied to their own lives.

  • After the time of discussion, there is an opportunity to consider if there are any actions that you might want to take as individuals or as a group. This is not to pressure children or young people but to encourage an engagement with scripture which allows it to inform who we are and the way we live our lives as God’s people in the world.

  • Each session ends with a craft and/or game activity. Which offers a creative way of embedding the session into the consciousness of the children and/or young people. Each session the closes with a creative prayer activity.

This PowerPoint Companion guide to the Woven Lent Course, will be available to download here from 5pm on Tuesday 16 February. 

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