Autumn Synod notes now available
Tuesday 28 September 2021
Revd Nigel Cowgill welcomed everyone to synod and Revd Tony Miles welcomed everyone on behalf Methodist Central Hall.
Opening Worship was led by the Epsom Methodist Church, Sutton circuit on the theme “Now is the time: Come to the Cross”.
Introductory Business
Denise Tomlinson (Synod Secretary) introduced the business.
Welcome to New Members of Synod.
The synod secretary welcomed new lay representative to synod and the following ministers who are new to the District:
Deacon Tessa Bennett (West London Mission)
Revd Craig Gaffney (Blackheath & Crystal Palace)
Revd Jenny Impey (Tower Hamlets)
Revd Donghwan Kim (Harrow & Hillingdon)
Revd Saidu Kanu (Battersea & Wandle Valley)
Revd Greg Obong-Oshotse (Lesnes Abbey)
Deacon Sarah Jane Rigby (Romford)
Revd Ajay Singh (Ealing Trinity)
Dispensations Dispensations were given to 18 presbyters.
Appointment of Scrutineers
The synod appointed the following scrutineers
Aba Amponsah-Dadzie
Ade Benson-Ogundimu
Cynthia Bond
Joan Drummond
Virginia Hopson
George Kulasingham
Ruth Imbo
Caroline Ogunsola
Adrian Pickett
Sheila Platt
Omotayo Roberts
District Representatives to Methodist Conference
Lay reps
Synod are seeking to appoint five lay people (three of whom for three years)
One nomination received.
Synod agreed the following resolution:
Synod are asked to appoint Ms Sarah Murray for three years.
Ministerial reps
Synod are seeking to appoint three Ministers (Two for three years)
Three nomination received
Synod agreed the following resolution:
The Synod are asked to appoint Revds Stephanie Njeru and Mmasape Zihle for three years and Revd Roz Hollingsworth for one year.
Synod agreed the following resolution regarding the remaining vacancies:
The Synod delegates to the District Council to fill the remaining vacancies for Methodist Conference representatives on behalf of the Synod.
Report from Methodist Conference The synod watched the conference highlights video.
Laughter and Lament – conversation with the Global Relationships Team. Andy Dye (Programme Team Leader) shared experiences of the Global Relationship Team over the last 18 months. These included both the challenges and the opportunities faced by our partner churches.
Reflections of Ministry & Mission in a time of Change
Revd Tony Miles led a conversation with Belinda Letby, Janet Arthur and Wes Gibbs reflecting on their experiences over the last 18 months.
Act of Remembrance Revd Dr Jongi Zihle led the act of remembrance remembering all those who have died over the last 18 months. Synod remembered all Local Preachers, Lay Members of synod and those silently named.
Ministers who have died since the last Synod
Revd Barnabus Alexander (Sutton)
Revd Michael Baker (Lesnes Abbey)
Revd Jessie Cobb (Romford)
District Council Business
Hilary Porter (District Council Secretary) introduced the District Council Business
Appointment of Deputy Chairs
The synod agreed by a show of hands the following resolution. “The District Council recommends to Synod that the Revd Rosamund Hollingsworth is appointed to serve as Deputy Chair for an initial two years with immediate effect.”
The synod agreed by a show of hands the following resolution.
“The District Council recommends to Synod that the Revd Faith Nyota is appointed to serve as Deputy Chair for an initial two years with immediate effect.”
District Appointments
Synod agreed by a show of hands the following appointments:
District Archivist – Revd Martin Wellings
Candidates Committee Member – Revd Matt Lunn
Synod agreed by a show of hands the following resolution:
“The Synod delegates to the District Council any further appointments which need to be made before the next April Synod (2022).”
Authorisations and Approvals Synod noted the application for Authorised to Serve as Presbyter (SO7££) for Revd Bethany Lewis (Sutton)
Synod agreed by a show of hands the following resolution “The Synod notes the actions taken by the District Council with regard to authorisations”
Permission to Discontinue Public Worship
Aveley Methodist Church, Romford Synod approved the following resolution by a standing vote.
The Synod gives permission to discontinue public services in accordance with SO493 (1) at Aveley Methodist Church.
Ministerial Business
Synod agreed by a show of hands the following resolution:
The Synod to approve the recent decisions made by the District Sabbatical Group.
Revd Sue Creighton
Revd Japhet Kabilu
Revd Ling Yu Ji
Revd Charity Madenyika
Deacon Ali McMillan
Approval of Letters of Greeting
Synod Secretary Denise Tomlinson asked that the following letters of greeting were approved:
Deacon Andrew Packer
Deacon Karen McBride
Papa Kwaku Owusu
John Koomson
Synod approved by a show of hands.
Synod closed with worship. Revd Jonathan Hustler preached A retiring Collection was taken for the World Mission Fund
Next Representative Synod: Saturday 30th April 2022