District Advance Fund
The District Advance Fund (DAF) is available to support schemes which are directed towards mission and may include funding for people, training, research, equipment and property within the London District of The Methodist Church. This policy document sets out the criteria which will be applied to all applications for assistance and the procedure to be followed by churches or circuits that wish to avail themselves of these resources. We wish to encourage extensive and comprehensive use of the financial resources held in the DAF, which are to be enhanced annually by means of the connexional levy from Circuit Advance Funds.
Applications will be considered from District groups or from churches or circuits who have undertaken a review of their 'mission and purpose' in the context of this application. The review should particularly consider the relevance of the application to District policy. For more information please contact the District Office.
All DAF forms and accompanying documents must be submitted electronically. To see the deadlines for DAF applications for the upcoming year please see the District Calendar.
Priority will be given to:
Assisting those circuits and churches which have insufficient resources to achieve their mission. (A detailed statement of financial resources, including an assessment of viability, will be required).
Schemes which advance the church’s work and outreach.
Schemes which encourage involvement with the disadvantaged within the community.
Schemes which further the work among young people and young adults in the 25-40 year age bracket.
Schemes which develop new lay leadership.
Schemes which have been developed in partnership with others and can demonstrate this commitment.
Schemes which are innovative or entrepreneurial or which might contribute to the District's understanding of what it means to be a church in London in the 21st century. Weight will be given where risks have been recognised and evaluated.
Download the DAF Guidelines for Applicants and an Application Form below. If you are already receiving DAF funding, please complete a DAF Evaluation form and send it back to the London District Office.